Describe an Event You Attended in Which You Didn’T like the Music Played.

Describe an Event You Attended in Which You Didn’t like the Music Played

Describe an Event You Attended in Which You Didn’t Like the Music Played

You should say

  • What was the event?
  • Where were you?
  • What music was like?
  • And explain why you didn’t like the music?

Sample Answer of Describe an Event You Attended in Which You Didn’t like the Music Played.

Well I’m very musical person and personally I love music I would like to tell you that daily when I come from office I listen to some of my favorite songs to relax and have a meditative state of mind sometimes I also go for a walk in the nearby garden so that I can relax even more being a true lover and admirer of music I attend a lot of musical evenings and concerts in my city but recently one of my cousins from the United States of America came India to get married well I was really excited as he is not just my cousin but he is one of my best friends he arranged a grand and majestic wedding and we were all really excited including all our relatives to attend the marriage he arranged a disco night also just before the day of the marriage and I was looking forward to it as I really love music and dancing is my favorite task to do so when I arrived at the disco night party I came to know that he invited a western group to perform I was really disappointed by knowing this fact when the DJ was playing all English songs all my friends and relatives were utterly disappointed and they were not really able to follow the lyrics and songs indeed his friends from the USA enjoyed alot and they dance to their fullest but on the other hand I along with my friends and relatives were not enjoying the party so after some time my cousin came to know that the crowd is not enjoying and he informed the DJ to play some Hindi and regional gujarati songs on which we can perform our traditional dance form called garba but the to worsen the situation DJ was not knowing any Hindi or regional gujarati songs which ruined our mood completely and indeed that was a very bad experience so on the next day we enjoyed the marriage to the fullest but the DJ night or the disco night was really a bad experience for all of us.

 Follow-Ups Describe an Event You Attended in Which You Didn’t like the Music Played.


Question1. Why do so many young people spend a lot of money on concerts?

Answer:-Millennials especially these days love music and to be very particular they love loud music so they like to attend those concerts when the music surrounds the aroma and can enjoy, hoot and sing along.

Question2. Do you think older people like the same music as young people?

Answer:-if we talk about India in particular generation x people do not like pop or rock music which is the favourite of young people currently they like peaceful and classical music is special which is from the 90s. They prefer to hear that more often.

Question3. Do you think music concerts are suitable for older adults to attend?

Answer:-Well, I don’t think that way because older people like a peaceful environment and do not love loud music and the ambience of the concert.

Question4. Why do shopping malls often have background music?

Answer:-Well, this is a very nice question first of all. Hence, music is a thing that can divert the mood of an individual anytime, anywhere, so if shopping malls and shopping outlets have played certain soft music, that can relax the customer’s mind so that the customer could explore the store more. If the music is excellent the there are high chances that customers will buy certain things. This is a basic concept of marketing which is very good and working out across the globe.

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Also, Read Describe your summer holiday or vacations.

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