Languages and Smile Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Languages and Smile Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Languages and Smile Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers. These Are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on General Topics about Your Life. Your Answers Will Be from Your Life and Experience.

Languages and Smile Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers

Question 1 What languages do you speak?

Answer – My mother tongue is Vietnamese, which means I can speak Vietnamese. I can speak English and Japanese too. I have learnt them for 4 years.

Question 2 When did you learn English?

Answer – As I mentioned before, I’ve learnt English for 4 years. At first, I thought that English was so difficult since it had a lot of grammar points. However, now I find English so interesting.

Question 3 Do you think English is difficult to learn?

Answer – I thought that English was tough when I first came to know it. But when I am fluent in English, I feel that it is a captivating language to learn.

Question 4 Would you like to learn another language?

Answer – If I had a chance, I would love to study French. This is because French is so beautiful for me and I want to go to France someday.

Question 5 Do you always smile?

Answer – Yes, I would say that I’m always happy with other people. I mean, I smile at my friends or family when they say something hilarious.

Question 6 Do you like smiling?

Answer – I think everyone loves smiling since a smile is the best way to help you feel less worried and anxious before something important.

Question 7 Should people smile more?

Answer – Definitely yes. When people smile, they will feel jubilant and optimistic about their lives and their future. Smile also helps people to establish a friendly relationship between coworkers or friends.

Question 8 Do you smile while taking photos?

Answer – I always smile broadly when taking pictures or capturing videos. This will remind me that I truly had a memorable time in the place that I took photos.

Question 9 When do you smile at others?

Answer – I smile at my family and friends when they say something hilarious and interesting. I also smile at my friends to encourage them when they encounter tough problems in their lives.

Question 10 Can you recognise a fake smile?

Answer – Honestly, I can’t know exactly whether their smile is genuine or not. But I try to avoid many sensitive issues when I hold a conversation.

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