The Chart Below Shows Global Sales of The Top Five Mobile Phone Brands

The chart below shows global sales of the top five mobile phone brands between 2009 and 2013. Write a report for a university, lecturer describing the information shown below. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

The Chart Below Shows Global Sales of The Top Five Mobile Phone Brands

The below bar graph illustrates information about the sales of mobile phones Globally from 2009 to 2013. There are four different brands of smartphones brand in the market Samsung, Apple, LG and ZTE. These brands capture the smartphone market all over the world.

On the hand, the most smartphone selling brand was Nokia. In 2009 they sold almost 450 units in was 2009, and same in 2011, they were still at the top of the smartphone industry with the sale of 400 plus units. However, in 2013 they were just sold 250 units. Due to the rise of the Samsung smartphone brand, they were sold 450 units in 2013, which was the highest number of all other companies in 2013. Samsung was down in 2009. In that year they just sold more than 200 units, but in 2011 they crossed the 300 units.

On the other hand, in 2009, Apple sold approximately 30 units which was the lowest, and ZTE sold only 50, but LG was selling 100 plus units. In 2011, Apple touched 100 units, LG sold almost 80 units, and ZTE crossed the 50 plus. Moreover, in 2013 Apple won the race over LG and ZTE. Apple touches the 150, and LG continuously decreases. They just cross the 50 units, and ZTE only reaches 50.

Overall, Nokia was at the top in 2009, but in 2013 Samsung won the race with the highest number of sales in the smartphone industry all around the globe.

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