Describe an advertisement that you remember ponds white face wash

Describe an advertisement that you remember.

# Describe an advertisement that you remember.

  • What is it
  • When and where you saw it
  • What happens in it.

Sample answer 1:-

Well, in contemporary days, everyone know all famous companies promote the products with the help of advertisement and, advertisement is available in different shots of forms such as,  on newspaper, internet and television as well, I also prefer to read and see ads on every place because these are provides something different information.

But, here I would like to talk about an advertisement which I remember well. Interestingly, it is one of my favorite advertisement which is related to city Hospitals. I remember one month ago I was watching the local music channel at home. During the commercial break, I came across the advertisement for the latest city hospital.

Apart from that, in this ad, two young girls and boys discussed with each other about this hospital. He told to her that the hospital newly opens in this city. In this hospital provides a lot of facilities to their patients such as heart operates, kidney transformation, all types of surgeries, blood banks as well as, the head of this hospital also provide free medical facility to under poverty line people.

Moreover, after it, she told to local people. Now we don’t have any need to go outside the city for better treatment and, in any type of emergency. This Hospital is a full air conditioner and parking area also free for patients.

Furthermore, this advertisement very useful for all the people in my city and when I saw this advertisement. At that time I become very happy because that was the big development of my small town. That time I suddenly think, now we really no need to go outside for better treatment. Before it, we all people went to Ludhiana or Chandigarh for the advanced treatment of dangerous diseases. But now we have the best treatment in ours. That’s why I remember the advertisement

Sample answer 2:-

In the Modern era, advertisement is best to promote the products. on a daily basis, all people see a lot of advertisements on television,  mobile phone, internet, newspaper, magazines and so on. I also see and watch an advertisement in different places. But here I would like to talk about an advertisement that I remember.

Well, on weekends I always prefer to watch movies when I free from my work and studies. I remember, 2 months ago, I saw the Avengers movie on youtube. During the movie, I saw one advertisement and this ad a lot came on my phone display after approximately 15 minutes. This advert was regarding ponds white face wash.

Interestingly, I still remember it because the format of advertising for this product was totally different and unique. This ad was 33 seconds. In this advertisement, one young girl stuck in the road traffic and she faces trouble from dust and sun rays.

Apart from that, she reaches own workplace. Then, she mentioned, she is a model. After reaching that particular place. She tells the photographer I am ready. At that time, the photographer asks her sure and you also look to her old pictures. Then she feels uncomfortable.

Moreover, then that girl explains her cotton scarf cannot control the dust pollution particles which cross from the scarf and harm the face skin. Then the girl uses the ponds White face wash and the Ponds face wash collect the dust and pollution from the roots.

Furthermore, the young become happy and come to the photoshoot hall. Amazingly, after it,  the photographer tells to that girl I am a ready photoshoot. Then the girl gives a smile and asks him you are sure. At last, the photographer takes her pictures.

That advertisement very attractive and the model of this ad was also gorgeous. The fairness of the girl’s skin easily attracts the customers to buy that product.

Followups question:-

Question:- Where usually do we see advertisements?

Answer:- Nowadays, some people go outside for work and the rest of the people do work at home. So, they see adverts in different places such as on television, in the newspaper, on the internet as well as, on cell-phones. With it, sometimes we go to market then we see advertisements on the public walls.

Question:-Do you think it is bad for children?

Answer:- According to me, its depend on the advert as well as, on the circumstance. Sometimes, few advertisements bad for kids such as related to sexual activities and condom which put bad impact on children. Certain times kids try those things at home. when they are alone and they face the number of problem in the future.

Question:-What do you think is the purpose of advertisements?

Answer:- Well, adverts are very important to increase the national economy a well as advertisements are also give proper information to the customers related the products and also influence them to buy that particular product. Moreover, the main purpose behind companies making advertisements is to ensure and inform customers related to which types of ingredients used in these products.

Question:- What kind of advertisements do you like?

Answer:- It is a very interesting question, well most of the time, I like ads related to clothes, beauty products, footwear, mobile phones, and body sprays. I also prefer those advertisements which have a short story behind as well as, classic. These sorts of adverts provide profer and original information to the customers and attract easily.

Describe an advertisement that you remember ponds white face wash

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