Describe a Foreign Person You Are Interested In (4) (1)

Describe a Foreign Person You Are Interested In

Describe a foreign person you are interested in

  • Who this person is,
  • How you know this person,
  • Why do you think this person is interesting

Sample Answer of Describe a Foreign Person You Are Interested In

Well, there are a lot of foreign nationals and personalities whom I admire, but to choose one from them, I would like to describe Kane Williamson, the skipper of the current New Zealand cricket team. Naturally, he is a very calm person and an outstanding captain across all the formats of the game. His record speaks for himself, and he does not need an introduction on the global forum.

I admire him because his decision-making ability and his calmness in very crunch situations are what make him special from other players around the globe. I remember speaking to him in person when I was in Dubai last year during the IPL season, and I was so glad I had that conversation with him. Those few minutes with him brought some great shift in my mindset afterward. I could easily sense the difference in thought process between a sportsman who is playing the game and someone who watches it.

This clearly segregated the difference between a player and a spectator. I was grateful he took out time for me and shared those great insights. The person is very interesting because of the smile that he carries all the time. This is something that gives him the confidence to win any battle mentally before he comes into the ground to play.

The way he has led the side to date has earned the whole New Zealand team a lot of respect all over the world, and they are mentioned as the good boys of cricket. I wish him all the luck and hope he achieves all that he wants to during his tenure as the captain of New Zealand.

Follow ups Describe a Foreign Person You Are Interested In

Question 1:- Do you have any foreign friends, and do you think having foreign friends is a good way to get to know other countries?

Answer – Yes, I do have a lot of foreign friends from the United States and Canada. Well, I got in touch with them when we were part of the same project six years back. I was handling the offshore team, and they were sitting onshore. Yes, I believe having foreign friends can help you to get to know more about foreign countries because we always exchange things about our culture and customs during our leisure time.

Question 2:- Do you think it’s important to know the culture and language before going to another country?

Answer – Yes, of course, it helps a lot as an individual when you are much aware of the language of the country you are traveling to. Communication could be a big factor in a foreign country, and if one is unable to communicate properly, then the person could land himself in a big mess.

Question 3:- What do you think of people who work in international companies?

Answer – People who work in international companies or big MNCs have a routine to follow and a very disciplined life. I feel they are more focused on their job, goal-oriented, and also have a high sense of gratitude. Their humbleness speaks for themselves.

Question 4:- What abilities do people need to have when working in an international company?

Answer – There are a lot of abilities that are required for a person to be part of an international organization but to name a few, I would say skillset, technical abilities, problem-solving skills, managing stress, upgrading yourself with regular certifications, and being punctual. These are the basic traits the person should have in order to work for an international organization.

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