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Some Employers Offer Their Employees Subsidized Membership of Gym or Sports Clubs

Some Employers Offer Their Employees Subsidized Membership of Gym or Sports Clubs (3) (1)

Some employers offer their employees subsidized gym or sports clubs, believing that this will make their staff healthier and thus more effective at work. Other employers see no benefit in so doing. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A healthy lifestyle indeed plays a vital role in the organization in terms of productivity in the workplace. Although a certain section of employer money on employee health and believe that an employee’s physical condition could have an impact on their mental health, which helps to improve quality of work. In contrast, others think that there is no use in doing this. Both views will be discussed in the upcoming consequence section.

To begin, the employee exercise, who exercise regular basis, definitely help to create a stress-free working environment in the organization. This might well lead higher level of productivity, which will be in positive ramifications on organizational culture. Furthermore, by participating in gym and sports centre on laser time, job satisfaction will increase and help balance their work-life, enhancing the quality and quantity of work.

However, some employers think that membership at the gym would not be beneficial for the company and productivity and efficiency do not seem measurable. A company that invests in employee fitness may be costly, which will be cut short of unnecessary company funds. In addition, they put their money on a tangible program such as a training program to help the person achieve better prospects. This may professionally safeguard both the employer and employee, which help to reduce unnecessary spending.

In conclusion, allocating some amount to the gym to find sports club subsidiaries seems immeasurable to some employees. Health-related support can largely lead to higher productivity and efficiency and better work-life balance.

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