Some People Believe that Everyone Has a Right to Have Access to University Education (4) (1)

Some People Believe that Everyone Has a Right to Have Access to University Education

Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to university education and that governments should make it free for all students no matter what financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, education is only the key to success in human life, and nothing is possible without study. So, every person of the universe has a right to gain higher education, but sometimes, conditions of the house always force them to go outside from their homes for work as labour instead of their study. This problem can be tackled only that government should take steps to make study free for everyone without thinking of their financial backgrounds. I completely agree with the above statement because it has more merits outweigh the demerits.

Analysing the statement and explaining further, the first and foremost benefit behind this is that poor people also have an opportunity to gain higher education. To elaborate, most of the schools are free until only the 10th or 12th class. After 12th class, students who belong to middle-class families do work as labours because they have no money, which assists them to take admission in university or college and they are not able to get a good job. For instance, every government or other job need at least one degree. However, if the authority takes a step to make education free, then it is not only beneficial for poor students but also for those who have a lot of money because in some cases, although some families are financially good, girls of those families mostly uneducated. The most prominent issue behind this is greediness which always settled in the mind of blue blood people. They think that if they spend money on education, then this is like a wastage of money for those.

Probing ahead, one of the main underlying benefits stems from the fact is curtail of an unemployment rate in the nation. To explicate it, the unemployment rate is boosting day by day in the world. The most prominent reason behind this is uneducated people because nothing is possible without study. To cite an example, Although hard to hard work is done automatically with the help of technology, it has also needed an educated person because those who have no knowledge or experience about machines then can not start these. Hence, the chances of jobs are directly proportional to the numbers of knowable people, which assist them in mitigating the problem of unemployment. It is only possible if higher qualification becomes free for everyone.

To conclude, it can be clearly seen from the above discussion that although more people are financially good, they can not be able to take admission to university or college for their higher education due to greediness. The solution to this problem is only possible by the government should to make free education for all students. This gives birth to many merits like chances of higher qualification become more for students and unemployment rate also diminished.

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  1. The Gap Between the Rich and The Poor Is Becoming Wider
  2. Some People Think That Everyone Has the Right to Have Access

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