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The Main Purpose of Public Libraries Is to Provide Books

The Main Purpose of Public Libraries Is to Provide Books

The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books, and they should not waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media such as computer software, videos, and DVDs. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The advancement of technology has changed many aspects of our life. While some feel that the public libraries should only remain strict to books and hard papers, I, however, disagree with this notion and believe that the latest information mediums such as CDs, software must also be used for two reasons.

Firstly, the cost of updating the data in software is relatively cheaper than replacing the book editions over time. This is because after purchasing the software, one can easily upgrade the data within minutes and at no cost through the internet. However, in the case of books, the librarians or support staff must have to purchase the latest book versions, resulting in more spending. Thus, public libraries can save a lot of their budget by updating data online for software than purchasing new books.

Another reason why public libraries must use the latest technology equipped software is the size in which they store the data. In the libraries, the books generally occupy different sections. For that, a dedicated area must have to be designed, whereas gigabytes of data can be easily stored inside the computers. Thus a lot of space can be saved. Moreover, that saved space can be used to provide extra seating for the library visitors. Therefore, the libraries must use laptops and other electronic mediums to keep the data.

In conclusion, the digital way of information keeping helps save money as data up-gradation can be done free online, but it can also save the storage area that can be utilised for more seating.

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