Describe a Plan (Not Related to Work or Study) You Have for the Future.

Describe a Plan (Not Related to Work or Study) You Have for the Future

Describe a plan (not related to work or study) you have for the future
You should say:

  • what plan it is
  • what you would need to do to achieve it
  • how long you have had this plan
  • and explain how difficult it would be to fulfil it.

Sample Answer of Describe a Plan (Not Related to Work or Study) You Have for the Future

I am a long-sighted person who likes to plan for the future. Today, I am going to talk about a trip that I am planning for one year. I always want to visit Dubai, and now I plan my trip with my friends.
Although there are many options available to reach there, I would prefer to go there on a plane than on a cruise or other ways for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it is a relatively cheaper and time-saving option.
As I said earlier, I am dreaming about this trip for one year. Last time, my flight to Dubai got cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So, I had to postpone my trip to next year. Hopefully, I’ll be able to execute it this time.
In terms of difficulty, I feel cultural differences might be one of the issues that may arise in the fulfilment of this trip as in order to book international plans, and we have to clear embassy interviews first. So, I’m trying to learn the basic lifestyle and rituals of Dubai.

 Follow-Ups Describe a Plan (Not Related to Work or Study) You Have for the Future

Question 1.Do you think people need to have a day-to-day plan?

Answer:- I think that for some of the occupations, they must have, whereas, in some, they can avoid it. For example, a lecturer might have to deliver different lectures based on the day of the week, whereas a software Engineer might have to pursue all the defined chores. So, according to my, daily timetable planning completely varies from occupation to occupation.

Question 2.Do you think people can still do their tasks if they don’t plan them?

Answer:- I reckon that in some cases, they can be still able to finish their tasks, but they might face certain obstacles as they haven’t planned earlier.

Question 3.Do you think planning is important, or is it a waste of time?

Answer:- I personally feel that planning is as important as execution. It is not at all time wastage. I usually plan my week in advance on the weekends in order to keep things simple and executable. Planning in advance can help us in raising risks that can delay our plan.

Question 4.What kinds of personal plans should people make for themselves?

Answer:- In my view, every individual must plan their tasks for themselves as they know the execution plan and their capability. So, in my opinion, everyone must plan their duties for the successful closure of planned tasks.

Question 5. For a person with children, what influence does this have on their personal plans for the future?

Answer:- If I talk about my country, parents always give precedence to their kids over personal plans. Many parents usually give extra time to their future tasks after having children. This approach helps them in finishing their tasks on time.

Question 6. Do you think it is possible to learn how to manage your time?

Answer:- Time management is an essential skill that every individual must-have. I feel that parents and teachers must play an equal role in developing time management skills in the children. These skills can help them in their personal and professional growth.

Question 7.Why do you think some people don’t plan their day in advance?

Answer:- According to my, if someone is not planning in advance, they might be lazy or don’t know time management. Another reason could be a busy schedule. Many doctors, researchers often follow the same planned chores, so they might not like to plan their day in advance as it remains the same for the entire week.

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