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Describe a Time when You Gave Advice to Someone

Describe a Time when You Gave Advice to Someone (1)

Describe a time when you gave advice to someone

Sample Answer of Describe a Time when You Gave Advice to Someone

I am quite a helpful nature as it is part of humanity, whether it can be peers or it can be parents. In one of the incidents, I remember I helped one of my cousins as he was confused as to which college and branch he wanted to take.

As I took 1 year before him, I was fully experienced, and I had full knowledge about the procedures. So, I explain all the fields and what he wants to take after 12th science. As he was interested in engineering and his family business was from a civil engineering background, he decided to follow in his family footsteps.

After getting admission, he was happy as all the subjects were a matter of his interest. I was happy as he took the advice from me. Because I remembered my time when I was in 12th, there was no one helped so at that moment I decided to help whomever what they what. At now, when he comes to my house, he feels thankful for the advice I gave.

Follow ups Describe a Time when You Gave Advice to Someone

Question 1:- Giving and receiving advice is common in your country?

Answer – yes, definitely. We take suggestions and advice from everybody whether it would be a matter of marriage or buying a car. Students take a decision on the study matters while business people take suggestions from their colleagues.

Question 2:- Who usually gives you advice?

Answer – Mostly I take the decision, but sometimes some decision depends on the parents such as marriage or we have to buy land or something huge.

Question 3:- What kind of advice do parents give to their children?

Answer – I think study matters are the most common advice given by the parents. Apart from this, marriage matters, as well as the type of person we have stayed with or talk, Moreover what is right and wrong are some advice given by parents.

Question 4:- How do experts give advice to others? (e.g a doctor gives advice to patients)

Answer – If we go to the doctor, then he gives the advice to eat fruits and veggies as well as disease-related advice. Secondly, if we go to architecture, then he will tell us about designs of buildings and estimates. These are some of the examples of the same
expert advice.

Question 5:- What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?

Answer – Most parents advise us that we should make a friend who is trustworthy as well as helpful. Secondly, we should not fully depend on them and fully trust them.

Question 6:- Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?

Answer – I think if it is a matter of our life then parents advice is best while for instance, in the shopping area, friends advice is worthy as they easily understand our ideas as compared to parents.

Question 7:- Should children make decisions on their own?

Answer – Yes, definitely. But if we want to buy something or to occupation we want to take then we should concentrate on our own, but if it is a matter of our life such as marriage, then I think we should take our parents advice as they are more experienced than us.

Question 8:- How should parents help their children make decisions?

Answer – I think parents should not always make a decision. Some of the decisions should be taken by their children as they will know the benefits and consequences of their decisions. On the other ways, they may also show the path or say guide them, as it will be helpful to make the right choice.

Question 9:- Do parents in your country take decisions for their children?

Answer – Partially children’s take their decisions such as education matter and their favourites and choices. At the same time, most Indians depend on their parents for marriage matters.

Question 10:- Do you think it is advisable to listen to others’ advice when making decisions?

Answer – Yes, definitely. Taking suggestions and making decisions will have fewer chances to fail and fave consequences as it will be experienced by someone and we would be following it. So, in the end. As for me, I think it would be best to take the opinion from everyone.

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