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Hct Graduates by Collage: Write a Report for a University Lecturer Describing the Information Below

Hct Graduates by Collage Write a Report for a University Lecturer Describing the Information Below (3)

HCT Graduates by Collage: Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below. You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The given bar chart provides information regarding the graduates of HCT by the college. Comparisons based on gender are made for different colleges that are AL Ain, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah and Sharjah for the lecturer of the University to understand.

Overall, women overpower men in terms of graduation in HCT. Moreover, Dubai College has the highest number of students who have graduated in both categories of men and women. While Sharjah and Al Ain College have least graduated women and men, respectively.

As can be observed from the chart, the college of Dubai stands at its peak by producing most graduates with about 400 male and approximately 550 female candidates. Afterwards, Abu Dhabi college lacks behind Dubai with a difference of around 120 & 200 for men and women, respectively.

Continuing, College of Al Ain books 3rd position in terms of most women graduate for HCT but lacks in male students, which gets 4th position. Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah acquire women’s second last and last positions, but the case flips for male candidates.

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