IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 ( Being in a hurry ) Questions With Answer

IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 ( Being in a hurry ) Questions With Answer

IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 ( Being in a hurry ) Questions With Answer. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 ( Being in a hurry ) Questions With Answer

Question 1:- How often are you in a hurry?

Answer- I sometimes hurry in my daily life, such as reaching some programs on time.

Question 2:- Do you like doing things quickly?

Answer- Yes, I like to finish my jobs fast because I would be relaxed and I can spend time doing my leisure activities.

Question 3:- What do you often do in a hurry?

Answer- I would become nervous and tensed while doing things in a hurry. Moreover, I might ask someone to help me in such situations.

Question 4:- What helps you to finish things quickly?

Answer- My experience and practice helped me do some activities within a short duration. For instance, I can complete many works before the deadline as I have 3years’ experience in my career.

Question 5:- When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

Answer- Remember that I had to catch a bus during one of my exams as I had to travel to some other city. It was the time when I had to hurry in order to catch the bus on time.

Question 6:- What did you do? Why did you do it in a hurry?

Answer- Unfortunately, I missed the bus. I got nervous as I was becoming late to reach my exam Center on time, and I had asked for a lift from one aunt, and she had dropped me at my exam centre.

Question 7:- Do you like to finish things quickly?

Answer- Yes, I like to finish my jobs fast because I would be relaxed and I can spend time doing my leisure activities.

Question 8:- What kind of things do you never do in hurry? Why?

Answer- I will never be in a hurry while driving the car because I need concentration to drive. Because I should be careful while driving the car; otherwise, it would create accidents.

Question 9:- Is it good to be always in a hurry?

Answer- Not exactly, as it creates unnecessary tensions among people, and they would lack confidence and concentration to do things effectively.

Question 10:- Why do people make mistakes when they are in hurry?

Answer- As it creates unnecessary tensions among people, they would lack confidence and concentration to do things effectively. Hence they are more prone to mistakes.

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