Many Young People Change Their Jobs and Careers (5) (1)

Many Young People Change Their Jobs and Careers

Many young people change their jobs and careers. What is the reason for this? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

In society, many people tend to change their jobs and careers to meet their needs. While some stay in the same field, serving the same company for years together. Both the ideas are significantly great when looked into it.

To begin with, people especially referring the young, are prone to switch their organizations or career from one to another. The main reason is the rapid incline in technology development. One is self-motivated to upgrade to the new technology that is being implemented in our daily life. Like, if we look at the past statistics of any IT firm, an employee will tend to resign from the company after availing an experience of 2 to 3 years. Because the higher management wants the employees to be updated to all the latest innovations being implemented, the pay will be low with high work pressure. Once we leap to a different job/ change in the career, the pay will be comparatively high with the previous organization. There will be a lot of scopes to learn the new technology by exerting efforts.

In addition to it, it is not always recommended to change the job roles very frequently. This will portray one’s instability to work in an organization for a recommended period of time. When an individual tends to change the companies frequently, there is a chance that the knowledge gained will help behalf. It is best to plan to swap the roles only when you meet the standards you are working on. It also doesn’t help people to become an expert in a single technology. Such as, if you consider working in the same field for years together, then you will become a professional on the technology you worked on. There are high chances for others to value or show respect towards you. There are even chances that one might become a board member of the organization based on experience in the same field. But, this isn’t the case with people switching around various jobs in order to get highly paid. Even though the pay is high, the designation will be still as a fresher or even considered as a new rookie.

To conclude, leaping on to different jobs and careers is advised but only when an individual thinks they are an expert in the previous field they worked on. This can help to gain some knowledge at the same time respect in the new field which we tend to change.

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