Nowadays more people are choosing to socialize online rather than face to face

Nowadays more people are choosing to socialize online rather than face to face

Nowadays more people are choosing to socialize online rather than face to face, is this a positive or negative development?

The answer of the Nowadays more people are choosing to socialize online rather than face to face


Our modern society, nowadays, is highly inclined to use the internet to communicate with near and dear ones and the culture of meeting people, in physical, is declining day by day. This, for sure, is a negative development as it is imposing serious threats to the social and personal well-being of human beings.


Owing to abilities like less time consumption and freedom to connect to any person in this world at any time, social media is burgeoning among mankind. However, as a consequence, it is most primarily posing a negative impact on family and social lives. People, especially young individuals, are almost always engrossed in their laptops or mobile phones to have a conversation with their friends and to feel connected with them. As a result, their relationship with family members and relatives is gradually becoming minimal and a sense of real social bonding is depleting every day.


Secondly, people have to sit continuously to talk on social media platforms and keep staring at the computer screen. This results in various health issues like obesity, weak eye-sight, cervical, back pain, and high blood pressure. In addition, in some severe cases, it can cause mental disorders also like depression. Because young minds are easily fascinated by the lifestyles of others, unknown to the fact that what is shown publicly is not always true. Consequently, they also fancy adopting the same things in their own lives and if their desires are not fulfilled, they feel depressed.


In conclusion, it can be argued that the practice of interaction among individuals through the web is not a healthy activity. It is depleting social relations and bondings between mankind. Also, it has a negative influence on the mental as well as physical health of individuals.

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