Scientists have been warning for many years already that in order to protect

Scientists have been warning for many years already that in order to protect the environment people do not change their ways of living. What is causing this behavior? How can people be encouraged to change?

Scientists have been warning for many years already that in order to protect the environment people do not change their ways of living. What is causing this behavior? How can people be encouraged to change?

There is no doubt that natural resources are limited and humans are using more resources than nature can reproduce. Hence, for many years, scientists have cautioned us to use limited energy to protect the mother earth. However, any people do not change their lifestyles due to improvement in their lifestyle and the lack of stringent policies to protect the environment. I believe this can be addressed by encouraging people to use more and more recyclable products and imposing taxes on products which are having an adverse impact on nature.  Scientists have been warning for many years already that in order to protect

First and foremost, the lifestyle of people has improved drastically in the last couple of decades. This is because of the increase in individual’s net income and lower prices of the products in the market due to improvisation in technology and cutthroat competition between the producers. As a result, people tend to consume more, which results in the redundant use of natural resources. For example, 20 years back, people only used to work on a computer for multiple digital things,  however, now each individual requires a smartphone tablet, laptop, and desktop to do the same task, and these products contain a high level of mercury which is hazardous to the environment. This can be controlled by imposing higher taxes on the products which are not considered as a basic necessity of life.  Scientists have been warning for many years already that in order to protect

Secondly, people tend to buy more products even though they do not require it. this is due the influence of the corporates on people is such that they keep encouraging them to buy more by continuous advertisements and promotions. For instance, a few years back, people used to keep one mobile and preferred to fix any technical glitch. However, companies are offering multiple benefits for replacing it with a new one. As a result, the old products increase the scrap which could be easily recyclable, results into non-disposable solid waste. To overcome this, the government should encourage people to use environmentally friendly and recyclable products by offering subsidy on eco-friendly products, and discourage using non- eco-friendly products through banning or imposing hefty taxes on the manufacturer.  Scientists have been warning for many years already that in order to protect

In conclusion, although people are habituated to consume more products than they required, I believe by imposing products with promotion recycle products could help to change their way of living and become more eco- friendly. Scientists have been warning for many years already that in order to protect

Some people believe that trade and cultural relationships between the countries is a positive development, while others disagree. Discuss both the views and include your own opinion.

 Scientists have been warning for many years already that in order to protect

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