Describe a Place You like to Visit but You Don’T Want to Live There

Describe a Place You like to Visit but You Don’T Want to Live There

Describe a place you like to visit but you don’t want to live there

what place is it?
When do you visit that place?
How do you feel about it?
Why don’t you want to live there?

Sample Answer of Describe a Place You like to Visit but You Don’t Want to Live There

There are a lot of places on my bucket list to visit once in my life but not to live there. One of them is the Maldives. I have always felt excited when I watch Maldives videos. The Maldives has made by a very small island. I have seen in vlogs that the Maldives has over-water villas, it has water rides. To go to the island, we have to take a boat or a plane. I am interested to visit this place when I will go to India because it is very close and cheap from India. It has very clear water.

The lifestyle of Maldives is so healthy because there is very little pollution. I think visiting the Maldives will give me mental peace and relaxation. However, I can not live there living cost of that place is so high also it has very less development in a lot of things which is basic for life.

Follow-Ups Describe a Place You like to Visit but You Don’T Want to Live There

Question 1. What type of apartment do most people in your country like to live in?

Answer:- in my country younger people like to live in a high-rise apartment which includes a studio or a condo. But older people like to live in a low-rise apartments or ground-floor apartments with a backyard.

Question 2. Do people in your country like to invite others as guests?

Answer:- .people of my country are known for their hospitality. They love to invite guests to their house. They don’t need any occasion to invite them. They invite guests very often for dinner, lunch even for coffee they invite guests.

Question 3. Do people take gifts when they visit each other?

Answer:- it is up to the occasion of the visit. If they are visiting just for fun, they don’t take gifts also if they visiting someone for their loss or to give sympathy they don’t take gifts. But if they are visiting for celebration, congratulate on something they bring gifts.

Question 4. What is the difference between the houses in the city center and the suburbs?

Answer:- houses in suburbs are giving quality life as compared to urban houses. Houses in suburbs are usually big with gardens and spaces also they have lots of greenery near the house and very less populated and polluted but urban houses are quite smaller costly also so polluted.

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