Describe an activity that you do after schoolwork Recent Speaking Test

Describe an Activity That You Do After School/work: Recent Speaking Test

Describe an activity that you do after school/work. You should say

  • What it is?
  • When and Where do you do it?
  • Who do you do it with?
  • And how do you feel about it?

Sample Answer

Nowadays, people find it difficult to spend time on their passion or any activities after their daily work. Somehow, I can manage my work life, and one activity that I do after my work hours is going for an evening walk with my elder cousin. As she is also working in the software field and the same company as me, we are able to go together to the nearest park to my home every day. It is a relaxation period for us as both are stressed with our work. We share our daily life problems and happiness during our evening walk to this park. Apart from that, we share our work-life stories as well. If I have some problems, she motivates me and suggests solutions. Also, we meet new people every day at the park. It also helps us to interact with everyone out there. We met one grandfather last week, and he shared his experiences while working on the Indian railway. That gave us new knowledge about their work life. I can say that this activity is a stress buster for me and rejuvenates my mind daily, and I feel motivated to do new things.

Follow-ups of Describe an Activity That You Do After School/work: Recent Speaking Test

Question 1:- Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?

Answer- Some individuals are interested in doing extreme sports as it refreshes their minds and boosts their confidence. Also, people are interested in doing such adventurous activities to get out of their boring lifestyles. Also, it strengthens their mental health.

Question 2:- Are men more likely to do adventure sports than women?

Answer- Yes, I think more men get engaged in extreme sports. This might be because men are generally aggressive, and such sports are a way to release it. Also, they generally have risk-taking nature.

Question 3:- What are some popular outdoor activities in India?

Answer- Some of the famous outdoor programs that people in my country does is playing football, cricket and badminton in their neighbourhood. Moreover, people go for morning and evening walks daily for exercise. For example, regardless of age, people play such games in their neighbourhood playground during the evening.

Question 4:- What do young people do in groups?

Answer- Youngsters prefer to do many activities such as a gang like going to movies, shopping, exploring new places and indulging in extreme sports. For instance, youngsters do adventurous activities like paragliding with their friends because that would help them gain confidence to do such activities.

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