Describe an Occasion when You Paid More than Expected Recent Speaking Cue Card

Describe an Occasion when You Paid More than Expected: Recent Speaking Cue Card

Describe an occasion when you paid more than expected; You should say

  • What it is?
  • How much did you spend on it?
  • Why did you buy it?
  • And explain why you think you spent more than expected.

Sample Answer of Describe an Occasion when You Paid More than Expected

I don’t like to waste money buying unnecessary things to be perfectly honest. Today I would take this opportunity to talk about a time when I spent more than expected on a dress. Actually, there was my brother’s marriage, and I decided to wear a different dress so that I could look attractive to people. I went shopping at Patiala in the AC market, which is very famous in the city for its variety of dresses. And there I purchased one very costly suit, and I paid 15000 thousand for it. When I came home and showed this outfit to my family, they told me that this would not look good without jewellery, so I bought matching ornaments to wear with it and paid 2000 thousand rupees. When I came back home, then I realized that there was no matching footwear to go with this outfit. Then next day, I went to the market and purchased a valley of 4000 thousand. So I spend 20000 in total. On the day of my marriage, I wore this outfit, and I got many compliments from the people and looked stunning. But after marriage, I felt that I had spent more than expected because I could not wear that outfit in my daily routine and money was wasted. So this was the time when I spent more than I expected.

Follow-ups of Describe an Occasion when You Paid More than Expected

Question 1:- Do you often buy more than you expected?

Answer- Yes, I always buy more than I expected because whenever I see anything which attracts me towards itself, I used to buy that without thinking.

Question 2:-What do you think young people spend most of their money on?

Answer- Ohh, I am not sure about it. In my opinion, young people spend most of their money buying computer games because these days computer games are popular and most people love to play these games.

Question 3:-Do you think it is important to save money? Why?

Answer- Yes definitely. One should save money to use it in future. Sometimes we require money urgently, and we can use saved money on that time. For example, in the corona period, many people lost their jobs, and there was no means of income to serve their lives easily. So people who saved money did not face any problems during this period, and those who were not having the savings faced many problems.

Question 4:-Do people buy things that they don’t need?

Answer- Yes, some people but the things which they don’t require. For example, I went to the market last week, and there My eye caught a beautiful wristwatch and I bought it even though I already had a wristwatch which I wear on special occasions.

Question 5:-What kind of expensive things do people like to buy?

Answer- Well, I am not completely sure about it, but still, I could say that these days people buy expensive outfits like they love to buy expensive clothes, footwear and even cars which they think they are being judged for in society.

Question 6:-Is being rich always advantageous?

Answer- In my opinion, being rich is not advantageous because more wealth can not give happiness if we do not have good relationships and are not happy with the things we have. Poor people can be more satisfied than rich people. So being rich is not a matter. what matters is satisfaction.

Question 7:-Are review sites useful for buyers?

Answer- Yes, of course, reviews play an important role for the buyers as these days people are addicted to online shopping, so whenever they buy anything, they are going to check reviews of that object they want to purchase. More reviews help the buyers to buy things easily without any hesitation.

Question 8:-What Do You Think about the Expenditure on Unexpected Things?

Answer- There are situations when unexpected things happen, and we need to spend money on that. If our car suddenly got damaged, then unexpected expenditure has occurred, we need to repair the car. Sometimes due to rainy weather, our roof ceiling is leaking then we need to get it repaired. In my opinion, we can not predict it as unexpected spending because we know that everything requires maintenance, but we do not know when these things are occurring.

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