Talk about a Law on Environmental Protection

Talk about a Law on Environmental Protection

Talk about a law on environmental protection
You should say

  • what is it?
  • How you first learned about it?
  • Who benefits from it?
  • And explain how you feel about this law.

Sample Answer of Talk about a Law on Environmental Protection

Today, I will talk about a law that the Indian government has introduced for the safety of trees. According to this law, the builders can’t cut the trees for the construction of new homes. In India, last year, more than 10 billion trees were cut down to accommodate 10,000 families. And this trend has increased carbon footprints in the environment.
By learning from this incident, the government has introduced this tree saving law, according to which those who are damaging the environment will face sentences for a couple of years. This law will benefit all the locals.


Question 1.Do you think this law is acceptable to the people?

Answer:- Initially, many people were against it as it has negatively hit the real estate business. However, now, everyone has accepted it and find alternatives.

Question 2. Is there any situation wherein people may disobey the law?

Answer:- According to my, in the countryside, many people may disobey this tree saving law as the number of construction cases for which this law was introduced relatively less there. As a result, many people might ignore this law.

Question 3.Do people like being a forest officer in your country?

Answer:- In India, I don’t think many people want to pursue a forest officer as a career as they might not get a lucrative income. So, many people often look for engineering and other white-collar jobs.

Question 4.What qualities should a forest officer process?

Answer:- To be honest, I haven’t thought about it. But to be a forest officer, one must have to be punctual and a nature lover. Someone who can take responsibilities seriously can be a good forest officer.

Question 5. Why some people prefer to be a lawyer?

Answer:- Many people want to be advocates as it is a white-collar job and one can follow a fixed routine, let’s say 9 to 4 in this job. Whereas in other jobs, one might have to sit overtime to finish the assigned tasks.

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