The Line Graph Below Shows the Percentage of Tourists to England (2)

The Line Graph Below Shows the Percentage of Tourists to England

The line graph below shows the percentage of tourists to England who visited four different attractions in Brighton. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

The graph illustrates the ratio of the visitors who went to England in four different places in Brighton. Overall it can be observed that the percentage of tourists increased in all attractions between 1980 and 2010. The pavilion has more visitors in comparison to the other four places.

In 1980 Pavilion was visited by about 25% of people and it rose to around 49% by the year 1995. After that, it again jumped down to 30 % by the year 2010, compared to festivals that fluctuated from 25% to 30% in thirty years.

Looking at the figure, the Art gallery was visited by 21% of tourists in 1980, and by 1985 it reached around 39%. A big fall can be seen in the Art Gallery from 1986 to till 2010. Pier was the least visited attraction as in 1980 it was reached by only 10% of people which rose around 15% by the year 1985. There was a regular rising and fall from 1990 to 2000, and in the end, it was visited by 21% of people in 2010.

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