You Saw an Advertisement for A Tennis Course in England (2) (1)

You Saw an Advertisement for A Tennis Course in England

You saw an advertisement for a tennis course in England, but you have one or two problems and can’t stay the whole course. Write a letter to the course director.

  • Explain your interest in the course.
  • Describe your problems.
  • Find out if a refund is possible.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in response to the tennis course advertisement that I saw a couple of days ago on your website. Playing Tennis is always my passion and hobby. I am very much eager to join your course.

I have come to England for a month, and my visa will expire in 10 days. The course will finish as the duration of the course is about one month. Nevertheless, I do not want to miss this opportunity and want to get enroll in this course for those days I am here in England.

I would be very grateful if you allow me to take part in the course for those days I have mentioned.

As the course regulation is to pay the full fee before admission, I would like to request you to inform me if it is possible a rebate as I will not be able to complete the full course for the above-mentioned problem.

I am waiting for your response as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

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