Describe an Area of Science (Physics, Psychology, and So On) That Interests You
Describe an area of science (physics, psychology, and so on) that interests you. Please say – What it is? – How do you know about Read More
Describe an area of science (physics, psychology, and so on) that interests you. Please say – What it is? – How do you know about Read More
You cannot go to a company where you got an offer. Write a letter to the HR supervisor to Explain the reason why you decline Read More
Some people today believe that the world’s increase in population is unsustainable and will eventually lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that the Read More
Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men. To what extent do you Read More
Describe one time when the weather changed your plan; You should say When does this happen? Where were you? What kind of weather was it? Read More
Describe the advice you received on your subjects or work Who advised you What advice did he give? Are you happy with the advice? Sample Read More
Some say that because many people are living much longer, the age at which people retire from work should be raised considerably. To what extent Read More
Talk about a person you like very much. You should say What is the name of the person? When did you meet for the first Read More
Describe a difficult challenge that you completed/met; You should say: What was the challenge?- When and where did you complete/meet it Why was it difficult Read More