Academic Ielts

Describe decision made in family you disagreed with

Describe decision made in family you disagreed with

Describe decision made in family you disagreed with You should say: Who made this decision? What it was? How you expressed your disagreement? And explain why you disagreed with this decision? Describe decision made in family you disagreed with Thanks for giving me such an interesting topic. I belong to joint family. As there is

Describe decision made in family you disagreed with Read More »

Describe experience of teaching friend or family member

Describe experience of teaching friend or family member

Describe experience of teaching friend or family member You should say: Whom you taught? When it was? What subject you taught ? and explain how you felt about teaching this friend or family member? Describe experience of teaching friend or family member Thanks for giving me such an interesting topic. Life is full of challenges and

Describe experience of teaching friend or family member Read More »

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