The Tendency of Human Beings to Copy One Another Is Shown in The Popularity (1)

The Tendency of Human Beings to Copy One Another Is Shown in The Popularity

The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of areas such as fashion and consumer goods. To what extent do you agree?

It is more common among the people, the world we live in today, to compare each other in every field like a cloth in fashion and other products. I agree with this sentence and shall discuss my point of view further in this essay.

The first and foremost reason is that people want to be more stylish in this fashionable world. To exemplify, individuals are mostly influenced by their role models such as actors, singers or any other famous person as they change fashion every year. Therefore, people should wear the same cloth or accept the same style. Secondly, educated people have more sense about to buy popular as well as branded products. Thus, the least educated persons have to follow those who know branded goods and services. For instance, people have been following some influencers and famous faces on social media who promote some popular brands such as Nike, Adidas, L’Oreal and many others.

In addition, the other factor is that people are jealous of each other because we have that type of society. For example, when someone purchases new products or anything, it is being shown off in front of other people to make them envious.

Having discussed the above points, it is evident that to have less information about products, to looking good in front of the people and being envious towards other’s goods. Because of these reasons, individuals are copying each other in any field.

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